
  • rose
  • rose
  • rose


40g  |  approximately 20 serves

Add this sweet, soothing beauty tonic to warm milk or tea to add a subtle sweetness, balance female physiology, soothe the mind and emotions and promote smooth, glowing skin.

Rose is used traditionally to calm the mind and elevate your mood. It has relaxing properties but also an uplifting effect on the nervous system and may help to relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue. Taking at night may also help to encourage deeper and more restful sleep.

Rose petals also contain compounds that improve metabolism, in addition to clearing toxins from the body, thereby aiding in weight loss.

Roses are not only a universal symbol of love but also a natural aphrodisiac. According to Ayurveda, rose petals are effective at stimulating sexual energy by acting on two essential doshas in our body, which in turn regulate heart, mind and the nervous system. Also used traditionally in Ayurveda to soothe hot emotions such as anger and soften the heart.

Benefits also extend to immunity and skin and hair health. It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to fight free radical damage in the body making it a potent anti-ageing herb. Vitamin C is essential in the body’s production of collagen, which is the building block for skin and hair. Rose thus encourages youthful, radiant skin.

It helps to clear toxins and heat from the body, fights infection in the digestive tract and re-establishes normal bacterial population of the intestines. May also relieve fluid retention, hasten the elimination of wastes through kidneys and gently cleanse the liver and gall bladder.

Rose petals can be used to help relieve uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. One study showed remarkably less menstrual pain, distress and anxiety and greater psychophysiologic well-being in women taking rose petals compared to the control group. It is also an excellent remedy for irregular periods and infertility, and can also help lower chronic inflammation, a major underlying factor in a number of chronic illnesses.


Our single herbs can be added to any hot or cold drink, teas, smoothies, and raw desserts. However they are best enjoyed whisked into warm, organic milk or plant milk.


certified organic rose (rosa centifolia) powder.


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